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If you have any travel plans, or if you’d like a quote, please get in touch – I’m happy to help!



Alan Sue
1234 5678
Big Small


Sue Smith-Kindred
Sue and Alan have been travelling the world since ….....  forever.

Sue has done amazing things like….... been an Air New Zealand Hostie, been a Mum, been a Hostie (again) and now she brings her vast knowledge of the world to you as a Travel Broker

By travelling the world, visiting far flung and interesting places where the sun shines most of the time, talking to people everywhere Sue wants to share her joy by helping you get to the places you want to go to.

We love organising groups of like minded people to adventure out into the wonderful world to share and experience the food, the vista, the history of Europe, Asia and beyond. We want to create memories for all with camaraderie,  moments of mirth, good wine, gastronomic flavours.

By combining activities such as cycling, canoeing, boating, walking tours with excellent accomodation we set the scene for magic to happen.

Come fly with us . . . . . . ! 

Why Use A Travel Broker?

  1. I have access to a huge range of travel specials and deals.
  2. I’m a one stop shop for all travel. Flights, cruises, tours, rental cars – I can book it all.
  3. I’m your travel troubleshooter. If you run into the unexpected, call me. I’ll get it sorted.
  4. I’ll come to you – I’m happy to meet you at a cafe or after hours to chat about your plans.
  5. I’m a local business, not an anonymous website or company based halfway around the world.

Sue Smith-Kindred

163 Omaha Drive,
RD 6, Omaha Beach 
Warkworth 0986

Ph: 09 423 0041
Mob: 0210 736 300



TAANZ Approved Travel Broker
In association with YouTravel Mairangi Bay

TAANZ Bonded

I.C.C.A Cruise Accreditation